Thursday, January 27, 2011

crazy talk

Nate had surgery yesterday to stretch his esophagus to help him swallow. The surgery went well, and hopefully he won't have any swallowing difficulty anytime soon.

After the surgery, they brought me to Nate to be with him while he recovered from the anesthesia. He was pretty out of it for a while, and our conversation went in circles.

J: How are you feeling?

N: Good. How long have you been here?

J: Maybe 5 minutes. Why don't you drink some water?

N: Ok. How long have you been here?

J: A little while.

N: Did you talk to the doctor?

J: Yep, he said everything went well and he will see you Monday.

N: How long have you been here?

J: Probably 10 minutes now.

N: Did you talk to the doctor?

He has been feeling fine since, and we are thankful that it went as well as it did!

This is the end of the 3rd week of my internship. It's going well, but I can't wait for the day that I will be able to blog about my long-awaited graduation!

here I am!

It is going to be harder to keep this blog updated than I thought!

Things have been busy though. I started my school internship last week and am enjoying it. My supervisor is great, the kids are really cute, and the speech room is sunny with blue walls and smells like cinnamon. Not bad at all. I have only observed so far, so I'm sure I will have more to say once I begin therapy.

Nathan had his swallow study done last week (he was having some difficultly swallowing). We are relieved to know there is nothing abnormal, and will hear more about the results tomorrow.

We had a freezing cold fun weekend sledding and going to dinner with friends. We also went to see Nate's sweet grandma, and Nate held onto her hand as she watched him.

I recently finished reading "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom and was amazed. It would have been a very depressing book were it not for the bright faith that Corrie and her family held onto during circumstances so horrific that they were difficult to imagine. About her time spent in a concentration camp with her sister, Corrie writes:

"It grew harder and harder. Even within these four walls there was too much misery, too much seemingly pointless suffering. Every day something else failed to make sense, something else grew too heavy. 'Will You carry this too, Lord Jesus?'

"But as the rest of the world grew stranger, one thing became increasingly clear. And that was the reason the two of us were here. Why others should suffer we were not shown. As for us, from morning until lights-out, whenever we were not in ranks for roll call, our Bible was the center of an ever-widening circle of help and hope. The blacker the night grew, the brighter and truer and more beautiful burned the word of God... Life in Ravensbruck took place on two separate levels, mutually impossible. One, the observable, external life, grew every day more horrible. The other, the life we lived with God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, glory upon glory."

Theirs is such a powerful story, and makes me strive to see God working in my own circumstances and to praise Him regardless. Such a moving book, I highly recommend it.

This week will be another cold and busy one. It is so good for us to be reminded to enjoy just living where God has us right now.

And now it's time to start dinner for my handsome and hard-workin man!

a year in review

What I like about blogging is that we are able to look back and be reminded of it all. In theory, scrap-booking would be fabulous. But blogging is much better because it's so much more accessible. And since I just started this blog, I will have to look back at pictures to be reminded of the events from the past year.

So 2010 in review, blogging style:


a road-trip to: Nonnie's in Florida, camping in the Everglades, and North Carolina to my sister's

another (!) road-trip to Philly for an amazing wedding of two great friends


we celebrated God's provision of a job for Nate

I was working through my hardest semester of grad school


Nate turned 26 and I threw him a surprise party (except he was not that surprised)


a great Easter weekend with family

the days finally got warmer

I spent a day with a sweet friend at one of my favorite places in the world


Nate's sister had a beautiful wedding at the home they grew up in

I finished my 2nd semester of grad school


we enjoyed summer sunsets over the cornfields

I began my summer semester classes

we swam in the pool on warm evenings when Nate got home from work


we rented a car and drove around Costa Rica-it was amazing


we celebrated our 3rd anniversary

we had our 1st B-town anniversary


I began my last semester of classes!


I turned 27

I might have started playing Christmas music

we went to wonderful, fall football games


road-trip to Kentucky for Thanksgiving with family in a new house

life was busy, full, and blessed

we had our 5th Unofficial Thanksgiving with good friends


I tried to catch up with life outside of school

we were blessed to celebrate another Christmas with family

What a year. It's so good to look back and remember that God has been kind, good, and abundantly gracious. Happy New Year!