Tonight we are bundled up in our apartment, surrounded by 3-foot drifts of snow outside.
The blowing snow began yesterday. I had a snow day and Nate left work a few hours early. I have stayed tucked under covers on the couch for the majority of these two days because of a nasty cold, but I couldn’t have gone anywhere today even if I wanted to.
Even Howie, who usually enjoys his romps in the snow, did not want to be outside in the blustery blizzard. Either that, or, he is making that face to manipulate my emotions to get something that he wants… But you know I would give in. He is just that cute.
Neither one of us when into work today; Nate worked from home and I slept and studied for COMPS. Today, most businesses were shut down, all schools were closed, and the weathermen on TV looked so cold!
All this snow makes me want to go skiing. Maybe someday I will live in a place where I can do that.
The good news is the groundhog predicted an early spring this year. Yes please!
Now it’s time to make dinner and paint my nails. But first I will paint my nails